La Libellula Soc. Coop. Sociale

La Libellula Soc. Coop. Sociale

The cooperative LA LIBELLULA was set up in Val d'Aosta more than thirty years ago, and since then has been the go-between for local government and services for people. Over time, we have very flexibly adapted to changes, but we have also taken an active part in things and have become co-protagonists in transformation processes, making our contribution to local welfare politics. The cooperative was founded in March 1980 as a way of meeting the needs of the area at that time by making planning and professional commitments and improving services according to the needs of local people.

Although there is a danger of going too far in diversification, are corporative has decided to move towards a more targeted and specialist management of services, according to plans which give us a precise professional identity in services for babies, children, and OAPs. We have improved in quality and quantity terms and now run kindergartens, a garderie d’enfance, play areas, summer camps, children's communities, and micro-communities for OAPs thanks to the commitment of our members, staff, and the collaboration between volunteers and volunteer members.

At La Libellula we base our work on providing services to the whole community in Val d'Aosta, and on interaction between staff and various clients. All the services we provide are specially designed to ensure that we can overcome any idea of providing bog-standard performance, and this means that we have to deal with certain socio-economic complexities with a view to developing and strengthening our cooperative. In this sense, the very nature of our social commitment can be seen both in the services we provide and in how we provide them, or in other words the quality and amount of resources we give the community.

Company figures

2M € ÷ 10M €
Staff numbers
51 ÷ 250




Località Grand Chemin, 33/D
11020 Saint-Christophe (AO)
+39 0165 363200

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