The Biopanetteria (“organic bread makers”) specialises in producing handmade organic bread, a unique high-quality product, which is healthy, digestible, and gives energy. The bread is made with the best organic farming ingredients: all the cereals (spelt, kamut, oat, millet, rye, wheat) are turned into fresh flour every day directly in the bakery, thanks to a stone mill. The product, raised with natural yeast (free of beer yeast), is made with "revitalised" water, thanks to a special machine plant that recharges the water with the energy and purity of spring water, and salted with unrefined sea salt, and which is rich in invaluable trace elements. Leavening using starter dough means the bread can be kept for several days, and it enriches with enzymes and vitamins.
The homemade organic bread production with spontaneous leavening done at the Biopanetteria uses: pure rye bread, kamut bread, spelt bread, cereal bread, "Kousmine" bread (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and poppy seeds), walnut bread, sesame bread, wholegrain bread, semi wholegrain bread and mixed rye bread.